About me

Main things

  1. I will accept being called Liar or whatever character my discord.

  2. I am a girl. I will accept any pronouns that aren't masculine.

  3. I will NOT accept any obvious scams. If you friend me, I will decline if you're from a server I'm not active in.

  4. I will not reveal any private information, such as my real name, home, face, any of that for my irl friends, etc.

Misc things

  1. My current fandom is FNAF.

  2. I make Gacha videos. I'm horrible at art, so that's why I use gacha to get those things across. I will not listen to any hate calling me a gacha kid due to this.

  3. I legit am crazy.

  4. I write fanfic. (diverting you to socials if you aint checked yet)